Ofsted Report: Transforming RE |
The Ofsted Long Report on Transforming Religious Education
bodies of the RE Council will find that this latest Ofsted report reflects many of their concerns about RE. It
captures the quality and popularity of good primary and secondary RE provision
where it exists. It also draws attention to the continuing variability in both
the quantity and quality of that provision, diagnosing very clearly how it
could be improved. It is particularly disappointing that it reports a
deterioration in secondary RE in the schools inspected since 2006, most
especially at Key Stage 3.
Several of
the identified areas in need of strengthening are in effect already being
pursued as part of the remaining year of the RE Action Plan and other REC-related
initiatives. They include the following:
- supporting local SACREs and Agreed Syllabus
Conferencesso that they can make more effective use of the non-statutory
National Framework for RE in order
to promote quality religious education in line with the recently revised
non statutory Guidance on RE.
- mapping and co-ordinating available CPD supports
for primary and secondary RE teachers on a region by region basis
- raising the profile of good RE through a
month-long National Celebration of RE in March 2011, so that all schools
and members of the wider community can appreciate the value and importance
of good RE
- demonstrating through the 11-16 REsilience project that RE has a pivotal contribution to
make to the beliefs dimension of community cohesion, and how to handle
controversial and contentious issues in the classroom.
However, the
report highlights some long term challenges:
- the first of these are the substantial
inadequacies of some parts of the provision including teacher education in
the subject - a decades-old
- second is the variability from one LA to another
in the nature and level of support made available to schools for this
subject teaching
- thirdly, without detriment to local initiative,
stronger consistency in identifying the developmental sequencing and
desirable outcomes from RE needs more
The RE Council
is united in believing that the professional associations and faith community
organisations which make up its membership should respond to this report by their
working together to provide the quality of RE which the country as a whole
deserves, coherent and vibrant at every level.
Contrary to
assertions of some commentators, good RE is both demanding and popular. Should
we really be content with anything less than for every school leaver to have
- an understanding of Christianity and the other
significant religions and beliefs which thrive here
- a readiness to reflect on, analyse and apply
concepts and skills that help develop meaning, purpose and value in their
- the ability to be successful learners, confident
individuals and responsible citizens in their local, national and global communities?
The report can be downloaded from the OFSTED website - click here